Wonderful Wetlands – Getting Low Cost, Low Carbon Energy from Constructed Wetlands – Wednesday 12th February 2014, 6pm
Kiran Tota-Maharaj from Abertay Universitydescribed how we can access low-cost renewable energy by combining heat pumps in wetlands. This can be achieved by creating constructed wetlands, which are engineered systems which store water and filter out pollutants. Kiran described a…
ReNEWable Energy and Climate Change – 6pm Wednesday 11th January
Join us at Dundee Science Centre on Wednesday 11th January for this all encompassing talk about our energy consumption. Geoff Wood from the University of Dundee’s Centre for Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy will give a short 25-30 minute talk…
Designing and making wind farms – 26th Jan '09
Are you interested in how we can use renewable energy to reduce our carbon footprint? On the 26th January our audience braved the cold weather to visit the Starbucks Cafe at Borders. We found out how wind farms are constructed and how this can…