Getting Down to Earth: A Closer Look at Life Below Our Feet – Monday 23rd June 2014, 7pm
Soil is alive, with a handful of soil containing billions of microscopic organisms. Soil is much more than the dirt that sticks under our shoes or holds up our plants – soil is a jungle of living organisms that break…
Sudden Death: Getting to the Heart of the Causes – Wednesday 11th June 2014, 6pm
In the past, sudden death in a young person was attributed to ‘natural causes’. We now know that these tragic events are often caused by inherited heart conditions. Making an early diagnosis is important, as there are effective treatments available…
Making Healthcare Decisions: Is Your Voice Missing? Monday 26th May 2014, 7pm
Who and what prevents your voice being heard when decisions about healthcare are made? Everyone has the right to receive the same health care quality and everyone should have the right to be involved in decisions about health care. These…