Patient Safety: How do we Train our Doctors? Monday 23rd February 2015, 7pm
With the increasing pressures on public services ensuring patients are cared for in a safe system, is a challenge for everyone involved. Prof Jean Ker will explore some of the very real dilemmas individual health care professionals face in their everyday practice, trying to make…

Using the Power of Youth to Restore the Wisdom of Old Age – Wednesday 11th February 2015, 6pm
The ability to learn and remember complex information about the world around us develops slowly from birth, reaches a peak as we mature and then often declines during old age or in neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s. Dr…

Does Maths Count? Monday 26th January 2015, 7pm
Contrary to the preconception that mathematics is purely designed to torture school pupils and has no relevance to the “real world”, Dr Fordyce Davidson will discuss how mathematical tools are being used to address some of the most fundamental challenges…