Universal Design – Including People With Disabilities, Wed 13 April @6pm
From microwaves to mobile phones to computers, we take technology for granted but how much do you know about how it is designed and developed? The public are becoming more involved in how technology should look and how it should…
Mood detectors: Can computers understand the way we feel?
What do you think of when you hear the term artificial intelligence? Outrageous Hollywood movies like machines taking over the world perhaps! In computing we are trying to teach machines to behave with at least as much intelligence as human…
New Ways to Treat Cancer – Ultrasound for Surgery and Drug Delivery
Monday 14th March at 7pm (talk rearranged due to November’s bad weather). Ultrasound is best known for helping doctors look inside the body, for example during pregnancy. However, with recent developments in electronics and nanotechnology it has become possible to…
The Trouble With Facebook – Wednesday 9th March @ 6pm
Online social networking applications are wildly popular. Facebook alone has around 500 million registered users. They have some good effects, such as helping people to maintain existing relationships and create new ones. And they can have some bad effects, such…