Science Story: Peanuts from Plant to Snack Food – Monday 29th June 2015, 7pm
Delve into the world of peanuts where Dr Jonathan Wilkin, Senior Food Technologist at Abertay University, will take you on a journey from farm to fork with a much-loved stable food product. The UK imports on average 110, 000-120, 000…
Understanding Teenage Mental Health – Wednesday 10th June 2015, 6pm
Adolescents account for around a quarter of the world’s population and are at high risk from mental disorders and participation in risky behaviours. It appears that recent attempts to improve their health have been largely unsuccessful – so what can…
Tomato Killers: What Might Rob Us Of Our Salads – Monday 25th May 2015, 7pm
In the fields and polytunnels surrounding our city, an eternal battle continues. Before food gets to our table there are many other creatures and organisms that would like to eat it first. So how do plants survive in their environment?…