Postponed: Artificial Intelligence: Risks, Rewards and Science – Monday 16 March 2020, 7pm
Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing this Café Science Dundee event. Many apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. We shall be in touch in due course. Computers that can learn are able to solve some problems that humans…

Are E-cigarettes Safe for your Arteries? Monday 19 November 2018, 7pm
E-cigarettes are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, with an estimated 2.9 million people in the UK vaping, instead of smoking. Health bodies advise they are much less harmful than smoking and politicians are encouraging the promotion of…

A Decade of Cancer Prevention – Monday 22 January 2018, 7pm
For around 4 in 10 cancers, there is strong evidence that they are linked to lifestyle. And we know that diet, weight and activity levels can change people’s risk of developing these cancers. However, only 3% of the national funding…

Precision Medicine in Diabetes – Monday 13th February 2017, 7pm
Precision medicine allows doctors and researchers to predict which treatments will work for each patient. It aims to reduce the “one-size-fits-all” approach and treat patients based on their own characteristics such as their genes and family history, with an aim…

Stem Cells: Hope, Hype and Hustlers – Monday 12th September 2016, 7pm
In the last 10-15 years stem cells have been catapulted from a relatively obscure research topic to the international limelight. Hardly a week goes by without some news story about a “ground breaking discovery” or “exciting new therapy” involving stem…

Tackling the Ebola Crisis – Experiences From the Frontline – Monday 14 Sept 2015, 7pm
In 2014 and 2015, three West African nations, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone experienced the largest and most complex outbreak of Ebola the World had ever seen. During the outbreak Dr Steve McSwiggan from the University of Dundee was working…
Parkinson’s Disease – Past, Present and Future – 6pm @ Wed 9th Nov
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder which particularly affects the elderly. Since the disease was first described almost 200 years ago, there is still no cure or any treatment that can slow down the disease. Over the last decade,…
New Ways to Treat Cancer – Ultrasound for Surgery and Drug Delivery
Monday 14th March at 7pm (talk rearranged due to November’s bad weather). Ultrasound is best known for helping doctors look inside the body, for example during pregnancy. However, with recent developments in electronics and nanotechnology it has become possible to…
Why can't we reduce the waistline of our population? – Understanding mixed messages in lifestyle advice – Mon 31st May
We are constantly told by newspapers, magazines, from doctors and politicians what makes up a healthy lifestyle. There have been major advances in our understanding of the causes of diseases, and the aim of doctors and scientists is to improve…
Image is Everything: Pushing the boundaries of ultrasound – Wed 12th May
Ultrasound is great for seeing inside the body – like the baby scans pregnant women have. New technology makes it possible to see fantastic details of tissues with microscopic resolution. Ultrasound has a wide range of applications, including helping to diagnose…